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What is fire protection service?

Fire Protection Services means all aspects of Fire safety including but not limited to Fire prevention, Fire fighting or suppression, pre-Fire planning, Fire Investigation, public education and information training or other staff development and advising.

What do fire protection do?

Fire protection is important because it helps ensure the safety of people and structures. It can decrease fire spread and damage, reduce the likelihood of injuries, and provide safe evacuation routes.

What are the criteria for fire resistance?

The main characteristics evaluated are the maintenance of load-bearing capacity, integrity, and insulation during a sufficient time allowing for representation of the fire duration or any action like firefighting. The products studied concern generally the structure, compartmentation, and ventilation/smoke ducts.

What are the new innovations in fire safety?

With new innovations in sensors, wireless systems, and artificial intelligence, fire alarms can now detect fires more accurately and quickly. This has the potential to save lives and minimize damage in the event of a fire.

What is audit certification?

Purpose: An audit report is a document that provides an opinion on the financial statements of an organization, while an audit certificate is a document that confirms that an audit has been performed and that the financial statements are accurate.

What is the difference between exit light and emergency light?

A fire exit light indicates where all of the exits are located in the event a fire breaks out. An emergency exit light on the other hand illuminates the exit ways so occupants can safely navigate to the nearest exit.


What material is used for fire protection?


These materials include fire-resistant glass, fire-retardant-treated wood, fire-resistant coatings, and fire-resistant insulation.

How effective is fire protection?

In sprinklered homes where fires occur, the death rate plummets by 82%. Similarly, in sprinklered manufacturing facilities, deaths in a fire drop by 88%. In warehouses, not including cold storage facilities, fire deaths are 61% lower when sprinklers are present.

What if discharge from sprinklers is less than discharge required for design area?

As per NFPA 13, water discharge is determined by design density times the area of sprinklers operations. For example, the discharge from sprinklers for light hazard design density 0.10 times 1500 shall equal 150gpm.

If the floor area of most disadvantage area is less than 1500 and sprinklers required for that area are not able to discharge 150gpm, the system shall be hydraulically calculated in a such a way that additional flow shall be added to the point on cross main from where the branch lines of farthest area start. This additional flow on this point will increase the demand flow at the supply point. For example, if the discharge from sprinklers is 130gmp for most remote area of the system, 20gpm shall be added to the point on cross main to ensure that required design discharge is achieved.
