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This article will summarise NCC-2022 requirements related to Sprinkler System requirements for Class 9b Buildings.

What are Class 9b Buildings?

Class 9b Buildings are assembly buildings as per NCC-2022 where people assemble for different kind of activities. Few examples of 9b buildings are below

  • Trade work shops in primary and secondary school
  • Laboratory in primary and secondary school
  • Theatres
  • Halls
  • Church
  • School
  • Early Childhood Centre
  • Kindergartens
  • Preschool
  • Child-minding centres
  • Nightclubs
  • Discotheques
  • Bar Area for entertainment
  • Public halls
  • Dance halls
  • Places of entertainment
  • Indoor sport centres (cricket, basketball, tennis
  • Sport Stadiums
  • Snooker halls
  • Bus station
  • Railway Station

Where is Sprinkler Systems Required for 9b Buildings?

All the 9b buildings are required to be sprinkler protected as per specification 17 of NCC-2022 if

  • Building height is more than 25m
  • Early childhood centre is part of any other building, whole building regardless its classification requires sprinkler system
  • Assembly buildings as per part I1

Part I1 of NCC-2022

This part is applicable to the assembly buildings of the part of buildings where large number of people assemble and these buildings contain stage and backstage areas.

The below buildings as per this part require sprinkler system installed as per specification 17

  • if the total floor area is more than 300sqm and building is school, church or community hall with stage and backstage area
  • if the total floor area is more than 200sqm and is any 9b building with stage and backstage area
  • if building has a stage with rigging loft

Where is Sprinkler System not required for 9b Buildings.

In following cases, sprinkler system is not required

  • if the stage, backstage and accessible under stage area is separated from audience is separate by proscenium wall
  • In any other class 9b building which is not more than 25m high and does not have stage and backstage areas.


In conclusion, we can easily determine whether sprinkler system is required, if we answer these questions and CYBIL CONSULTS is always there, if you need any help.

  1. Is building more than 25m high?
  2. Is the building school, church or community hall with floor area more than 300sqm? With stage and backstage areas.
  3. Is the building not school, church or community hall with floor area more than 200sqm? With stage and backstage area
  4. Building is either 2 or 3 above and stage areas is not separated from audiences with proscenium wall.


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